Topics and Sessions

1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health41
6. Fertility, Health and Well-Being 7. Reproduction and Politics 9. Factors Influencing Contraceptive Use 17. Issues in Funding and Delivering Reproductive Health Services 20. Multilevel Models of Social Context and Reproductive Behavior 31. Sexual Behavior and HIV Risk in Context 32. Intimate Partner Violence 34. The Cost of Unsafe Abortion in Developing Countries 41. Low Fertility 43. Migration and Reproductive Behavior 47. Gender, Relationships and Sexual Behavior 69. Intervention Approaches to Maternal and Reproductive Health 70. HIV, Fertility and Family Planning 71. Union Status and Fertility 77. Biodemography of Reproduction 81. Contraceptive Use 85. Sexual Identity: Formation 90. Infertility and Childlessness: Determinants, Choices, Treatments and Consequences 95. Fertility Transitions across Space and Time 97. Measurement of Unintended Fertility 98. Influences on Intimate Behaviors 112. Men's and Women's Perspectives on Sex, Prevention and Reproduction 117. Fertility Timing and Postponement 124. Abortion: Trends, Determinants, Differentials and Data Quality 130. U.S. Reproductive Health Policy 139. Complexity in Fertility Intentions 142. Sexuality and Intimate Relationships Across the Life Span 149. Long-Acting and Permanent Methods of Contraception 152. Fertility Change Over Space and Time in Developed Countries 160. Sexual Behavior, Sexual Networks and STI/HIV 171. Generational Perspectives on Fertility 175. Births in Time: Stopping, Spacing, Postponing 177. Fertility Intentions and Their Consequences 185. Social Change and Fertility 186. Social and Behavioral Aspects of Contraceptive Use 189. Life Course Perspectives on Fertility 195. Policy, Reproduction and Sexual and Reproductive Health 198. Measuring Sexual Behavior 206. Contraceptive Use in Africa and the U.S. 207. The Value of RCTs and Natural Experiments in Research on Reproductive Health and Fertility 216. Methodological Issues in Measuring Desires Related to Fertility
2. Marriage, Family, Households and Unions30 3. Children and Youth17 4. Health and Mortality47
2. Mortality in Comparative Perspective 3. Health Behaviors 10. The Long-Term Impact of Famines and Environmental Shocks 15. What Influences Well-Being and Health? 21. Genes, Environment, Health and Development 30. Context, Health and Well-Being 35. Insurance and Health Care Access 36. New Perspectives on Suicide 38. Changing Economic Conditions: Effects on Health 39. Mortality of Mexican Populations in the U.S. and in Mexico: Evidence and Methods 44. Innovative Methods in HIV-related Research 52. Personality, Cognition and Health 54. Social Determinants of Adult Obesity in the U.S. 58. Health Behaviors and Inequality 60. Child Health, Urbanization and SES Differentials 66. Contributions of Biodemography to Understanding Health, Aging and Mortality 74. Causes and Consequences of Infectious Disease 75. Early Life Origins of Health and Survival 76. SES and Health and Mortality 87. Age, Period, Cohort Trends in Health and Mortality 89. Health Insurance, Health Care Utilization and Health 94. Progress in Meeting MDG Maternal Mortality Goals: How Close Are We? 102. Stress and Health 106. The Health of Sexual Minorities 107. Cognition over the Life Course 108. Does Information Change Health Behavior? 109. Population Health: Common Themes and Contested Frameworks 110. Race, Ethnic and Gender Disparities in Health and Mortality 123. Determinants of Maternal and Child Health in Developing Countries 126. Advances in Cause of Death Analyses 127. U.S. Health in International Perspective 128. Contributions of Genetics to Understanding Behavior, Health and Mortality 132. SES and Health in International Context 145. The National Health and Aging Trends Study: A New Resource for Studying Late-Life Disability Trends, Trajectories and Consequences 146. Mortality Trends and Differentials 147. The Production of Health Disparities 153. Early Life Origins of Adult Health 157. Spatial and Environmental Factors Influencing Infant and Child Health 169. Maternal, Infant and Child Health and Mortality 174. HIV/AIDS in the Era of ART 176. Methodological Issues in Health and Mortality 179. Mental Health and Disability over the Life Course 184. Gender Health Disparities 188. Predictors of Survival, Mortality and Longevity 208. Disparities: Differences in Health Insurance, Health Care Use and Health Status 209. Institutional Factors Influencing Maternal and Child Health and Survival 211. Neighborhood, School and Community Contextual Influences on Health
5. Race, Ethnicity and Gender8 6. Migration and Population Distribution19 7. Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality16 8. Population, Development and Environment11 9. Population and Aging11 10. Data and Methods11 11. Applied Demography5 13. Poster Sessions9