Thursday, April 11 / 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM   •   Grand Couteau

Session 84:
Family and the Economy

Chair: V. Joseph Hotz, Duke University
Discussant: Regina Bures, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), NIH

  1. Linked Lives in the Great Recession: Personal and Family Mortgage Delinquency and Financial Stress and Older Adult Health and Well-BeingJennifer A. Ailshire, University of Southern California

  2. The Effect of the Great Recession on the Risk for Child MaltreatmentJeanne Brooks-Gunn, Columbia University ; William J. Schneider, Columbia University

  3. Doubling Up and Moving Down: Residential Change and the Great RecessionJ. Michael Collins, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Timothy M. Smeeding, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  4. Dynamics of Disconnection: Differences in Spells of Being Disconnected and Wellbeing by SexLaryssa Mykyta, U.S. Census Bureau

Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households and Unions