Session 208:
Disparities: Differences in Health Insurance, Health Care Use and Health Status
Chair: Brian K. Finch, RAND Corporation
Discussant: Helen J. Lee, MDRC
Evaluation of the Cancer Prevention and Treatment Demonstration for Ethnic and Racial Minorities Anupa Bir, RTI International ; Janet Mitchell, RTI International ; Sonja Hoover, RTI International
Have We Come Up Short? A Comparison of the Unmet Health Care Needs among U.S.-Born and Foreign-Born Adults Stephanie Howe, Pennsylvania State University
Race/Ethnicity and the SES Gradient in Women’s Cancer Screening Utilization: A Case of Diminishing Returns Shannon M. Monnat, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage between Natives and Immigrants at Older Ages Adriana M. Reyes, Pennsylvania State University ; Melissa Hardy, Pennsylvania State University
Other sessions on Health and Mortality