Saturday, April 13 / 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM   •   Oak Alley

Session 186:
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Contraceptive Use

Chair: James R. Walker, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Discussant: Ann K. Blanc, Population Council

  1. Single Women Contracepting Inconsistently: Do They Ambivalently Want a Pregnancy or Lack Self-Regulation?Paula S. England, New York University (NYU) ; Monica Caudillo, New York University (NYU) ; Krystale Littlejohn, Stanford University ; Brooke Conroy, Stanford University ; Joanna Reed, University of California, Berkeley

  2. Role of Young Women’s Depression and Stress Symptoms in Their Weekly Use and Nonuse of Contraceptive MethodsKelli S. Hall, University of Michigan

  3. “It’s Those Pills That Are Ruining Me”: Gender and the Social Meanings of Contraceptive Side EffectsKrystale Littlejohn, Stanford University

  4. Intimate Partner Violence, Contraceptive Use and Unintended Pregnancy in PeruJennifer A. Mendoza, Ohio State University

Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior and Reproductive Health