Session 28:
Rethinking Racial/Ethnic Distinctions and Measurement
Chair: Aaron Gullickson, University of Oregon
Discussant: Jeremy Freese, Northwestern University
Counting Caste: Household Interviews and the Production of Caste Data in India Trina Vithayathil, Brown University
The Color of Class between the Lines: Multiracial Families and Socioeconomic Standing Jenifer Bratter, Rice University ; Junia Howell, Rice University ; Laura Essenburg, Rice University
The Long-Term Consequences of Distinctively Black Names: Evidence from the American Past Trevon D. Logan, Ohio State University ; Lisa Cook, Michigan State University ; John M. Parman, College of William and Mary
Skin Color and Social Inequality: A Comparative Exploration of Race’s Multidimensionality Stanley R. Bailey, University of California, Irvine ; Aliya Saperstein, Stanford University
Other sessions on Race, Ethnicity and Gender