Session 11:
Statistical, Spatial and Network Methods
Chair: Scott M. Lynch, Princeton University
Discussant: Scott M. Lynch, Princeton University
Social Network Methods for Estimating Adult Mortality: Evidence from Brazil Dennis Feehan, Princeton University ; Matthew J. Salganik, Princeton University
Estimating Hard-to-Reach Population Size Using Respondent-Driven Sampling Data Mark S. Handcock, University of California, Los Angeles ; Krista Gile, University of Massachusetts at Amherst ; Corinne Mar, University of Washington
Challenges to Recruiting Representative Samples of Female Sex Workers in China Using Respondent Driven Sampling: How Much of the Network Do We See? Giovanna Merli, Duke University ; James Moody, Duke University ; Jeff Smith, Duke University ; Jing Li, Duke University ; Sharon Weir, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Xiangsheng Chen, National Center for STD Control, China
Monte Carlo Simulation-Based Recommendations for Reducing the Risk of Bias in Multilevel Models Introduced by Mis-Measuring the Neighborhood Claudia L. Nau, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Other sessions on Data and Methods