Saturday, April 13 / 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM   •   Rhythms Ballroom II

Session 191:
Effects of Parental Time Use and Employment on Child Well-Being

Chair: Rachel Dunifon, Cornell University
Discussant: Liana C. Sayer, University of Maryland

  1. Mothers’ Work Patterns, Contribution to School Activities and Children’s Cognitive Development: Evidence from the India Human Development SurveyFeinian Chen, University of Maryland ; Kriti Vikram, University of Maryland ; Sonalde B. Desai, University of Maryland

  2. “Working 9-5? Lucky You!”: The Distribution of Evening Work by Education and GenderMichael Corey, University of Chicago

  3. Parents’ Work Hours, Availability during the Day and Adolescent Weight GainMolly A. Martin, Pennsylvania State University ; Adam M. Lippert, Pennsylvania State University

  4. The Impact of Maternal Employment on Child Survival—the Case of IndiaAmeed Saabneh, University of Pennsylvania

Other sessions on Children and Youth