“Working 9-5? Lucky You!”: The Distribution of Evening Work by Education and Gender
Michael Corey, University of Chicago
This study examines the differential allocation of evening work among parents by education and gender. A number of explanations are explored, including the role of education, schedule control, and family status on the amount of time spent working in the evening. The findings show that while there are not major differences in the amount of time high and low educated parents spend in evening work, significant differences appear when considering evening work at home or away from home. Higher educated parents do engage in evening work, but mainly in the home. Parents with lower education perform evening work outside of the home. Parents with lower education are thus more removed from their children during the evening hours when children are most available for, and in need of, care. This study is unique in focusing solely on work during the evening hours, rather than the overall shift worked by parents.
See paper
Presented in Session 191: Effects of Parental Time Use and Employment on Child Well-Being