Thursday, April 11 / 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM   •   Nottoway

Session 24:
Innovative Theory and Methods for Demographic Research

Chair: Robert Schoen, Pennsylvania State University
Discussant: Cristina Bradatan, Texas Tech University

  1. Demographic Metabolism: A Theory of Socioeconomic Change with Predictive PowerWolfgang Lutz, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

  2. The Cross-Classified Age-Period-Cohort Model as a Constrained EstimatorLiying Luo, University of Minnesota ; James Hodges, University of Minnesota

  3. Agent-Based Modeling for Rural Migration Decision and Action in ChinaLingxin Hao, Johns Hopkins University ; Charlie Mitchell, Johns Hopkins University

  4. Bayesian Reconstruction of Past Populations and Vital Rates by Age for Developing and Developed CountriesMark C. Wheldon, University of Washington ; Adrian Raftery, University of Washington ; Samuel J. Clark, University of Washington

Other sessions on Data and Methods