Saturday, April 13 / 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM   •   Grand Couteau

Session 210:
Living Arrangements and the Well-Being of Family Members

Chair: Rhiannon A. Kroeger, University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Laryssa Mykyta, U.S. Census Bureau

  1. The Relation of Income to Other Measures of Material Well-Being in Cohabiting Couples with and without ChildrenKurt J. Bauman, U.S. Census Bureau

  2. Who Really Lives Here and Does It Matter? Household Composition Trajectories for Children Living with Other Adults in the Home besides Their ParentsNola C. du Toit, NORC at the University of Chicago ; Jennifer Brown, NORC at the University of Chicago ; Catherine Haggerty, NORC at the University of Chicago

  3. Gender in Marriage and Life Satisfaction under Gender Imbalance in China: The Role of Intergenerational Support and SESHuijun Liu, Xi'an Jiaotong University ; Shuzhuo Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University ; Marcus W. Feldman, Stanford University

  4. Living Arrangements and the Economic Well-Being of Single Parents: A Cross-National ComparisonJames Raymo, University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Hillary Caruthers, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households and Unions