Gender in Marriage and Life Satisfaction under Gender Imbalance in China: The Role of Intergenerational Support and SES

Huijun Liu, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Shuzhuo Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Marcus W. Feldman, Stanford University

This study examined gender differences in the influence of marital status and marital quality on life satisfaction. The roles of intergenerational support and perceived socioeconomic status in the relationship between marriage and life satisfaction were also explored. The analysis was conducted with data from the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2006, representing 1,317 women and 1,152 men at least 25 years old. Chi-squared tests and logistic regression models were used in this process. Marriage, including marital status and relationship quality, has a protective function for life satisfaction. Marital status is more important for males, but marital quality is more important for females. The moderating roles of intergenerational support and perceived socioeconomic status are gender specific, perhaps due to norms that ascribe different roles to men and women in marriage.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 210: Living Arrangements and the Well-Being of Family Members