Saturday, April 13 / 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM   •   Borgne Room

Session 184:
Gender Health Disparities

Chair: Jennifer Karas Montez, Harvard University
Discussant: Tetyana Pudrovska, Pennsylvania State University

  1. Underwork, Overwork and the Health of Men and Women in the United StatesYoungjoo Cha, Indiana University

  2. Will the Gender Gap in Mortality Continue to Narrow?France Meslé, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

  3. Male and Female Life Expectancy Co-Move --- Even when They DivergeAndrew Noymer, University of California, Irvine ; Viola Van, University of California, Irvine

  4. Career Trajectories, Gender Differences and the Reproduction of Health Disparities over the Life CourseLi Zheng, Mississippi State University

Other sessions on Health and Mortality