Thursday, April 11 / 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM   •   Bayside B

Session 49:
Population and Environment

Chair: Andrew Foster, Brown University
Discussant: Leah K. VanWey, Brown University

  1. Recycling Behavior among Urban South Africans: The Role of Race and Social StatusBarbara A. Anderson, University of Michigan ; John H. Romani, University of Michigan ; Marie Wentzel, Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa (HSRC) ; Heston Phillips, UNAIDS

  2. In-Migration to Remote Rural Regions: The Relative Impacts of Natural Amenities and Land DevelopabilityGuangqing Chi, Mississippi State University ; David Marcouiller, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  3. Spatial Variation in the Migration-Environment Association: Innovation and Evidence from Rural South AfricaLori M. Hunter, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Stefan Leyk, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Galen Maclaurin, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Raphael Nawrotzki, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Wayne Twine, University of the Witwatersrand ; Barend Erasmus, University of the Witwatersrand

  4. Forest Cover and Human Health Outcomes in MalawiKiersten Johnson, Macro International Inc. ; Anila Jacob, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) ; Molly Brown, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Other sessions on Population, Development and Environment