Pattern of Unmet Need of Family Planning (Contraception) in Uttar Pradesh, India
Rabiul Ansary, Jawaharlal Nehru University
over the time unmet need of contraception among currently married women, is continuously declining in U.P. That indicates the improvement of available family planning serving. As in NFHS-II (1988-99) Thirty percent of currently married women in UP have unmet need for contraception and it declined to 17.9 % in NFHS-III (2005-06). The pattern of unmet need varied among different social and economic groups. Uttar Pradesh have to take immediate steps to address the causes of unmet need mean to say where is the gap? Is it among service providers or service acceptors or family planning services is inadequate in Uttar Pradesh than demand? In many cases it was seen services are available but women are not using because her partner is not accepting who is the real decision maker of her fertility behaviours. One thing Govt. should have to organise frequent family planning awareness programme at the community level.
Presented in Poster Session 1