Family Planning Service Providers Perceptions about Determinants of Different Contraceptive Methods Use amongst Youth: An Exploratory Study in Karachi Pakistan

Noureen Nishtar
Neelofar Sami, Aga Khan University
Aziz Nishtar, Nishtar & Zafar Law Firm
Nousheen Pardhan, Aga Khan University
Farid-UL Hasnain, Aga Khan University

Contraceptive Prevalence Rate CPR among married female youth is 17.4% and even lower in rural areas. Objectives of this study were to explore family planning service providers’ perceptions regarding use of different contraceptive methods and to identify determinants influencing their use amongst currently married youth aged18-24 years in slums area of Karachi during July-September 2010. Qualitative exploratory study design was adopted and a total of ten in-depth interviews were conducted with family planning service providers of the area. On analysis it appeared that family planning service providers perceived that there is low use of contraceptive methods amongst youth of area which could be due to: side effects; myths and misconceptions; lack of proper knowledge about different contraceptives; unmet needs of contraceptives; sociocultural and religious factors about and tis study could help to understand their role on nonuse and help researchers and policy makers to device interventions which might result in improvement in contraceptive use among youth.

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Presented in Poster Session 1