Understanding Men’s Fertility Preferences and Intentions: The Effects of Race, Class and Sexuality

Danielle Wondra, University of California, Los Angeles

While research has explored extensively the fertility attitudes of women, little is known on men. Using data from 2002 and 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth, I examine men’s fertility preferences and intentions, including variability across race, class and sexuality, and compared to women. Initial analyses suggest young gay men and lesbians (ages 15-29) are much less likely to want children as compared to heterosexuals. However, the effect of sexual orientation varies by race-ethnicity and by education. Young Hispanic men and women want to have children, regardless of sexual identity. The most educated young gay men are much more likely to want children as compared to those least educated. Among young lesbians, the relationship is reversed. I demonstrate the importance of examining men’s fertility attitudes separate from women’s. The final paper will include analyses of discordance between preferences and intentions, and will consider the effects of multiple measures of sexuality.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1