Protecting Women and Children in Rwanda through Increased Access to Family Planning: Getting Products to People
Dana Aronovich, John Snow, Inc.
Fidele Ngabo, Ministry of Health, Rwanda
Agnes Binagwaho, Ministry of Health, Rwanda
Andrew Inglis, John Snow, Inc.
Emma Stewart, John Snow, Inc.
Suzy Sacher, USAID DELIVER Project
Ariella Bock, John Snow, Inc.
Despite concerted efforts in recent years to increase access to contraception, little evidence exists on how supply of modern contraceptive methods affects contraceptive use. Analysis from the Rwandan Ministry of Health and the USAID | DELIVER PROJECT shows that contraceptive use increases when modern contraceptive methods are reliably available. In Rwanda, recent surveys reported the modern contraceptive prevalence rate quadrupled over five years due to increased use of modern methods-growth also reflected in quantities distributed to clients. This is partly due to improved supply chain efficiency; Rwanda's public sector supply chain maintains high levels of product availability at health facilities, enabling women to choose, obtain, and use contraceptives whenever and wherever they want. Contraceptives distributed from 2005 to 2011 represent approximately 2.85 million couples protected, preventing approximately 820,000 unintended pregnancies, 22,600 infant and 2,400 maternal deaths. Therefore, an efficient supply chain plays a critical role in achieving key health outcomes.
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Presented in Poster Session 1