Coming Out in the 2010 Census: Same-Sex Couples in Brazil and Uruguay

Ana Goldani, Princeton University
Albert Esteve, Centre d'Estudis DemogrĂ fics (CED)

Same-sex couples are modestly but increasingly contributing to family diversification in many developed societies. In this paper, we present evidence on the demographics of same-sex couples and their families in South America. We focus on Brazil 2010 and Uruguay 2011, the first countries in the region to include an item on same-sex partnerships in their last census questionnaires. We examine how partnered gays and lesbians differ from partnered heterosexual men and women on issues like their geographic distribution, income, education, race and family structure. Inspired by findings from the US, we test the hypothesis of gay and lesbian couples as monolithic and stereotypes of high educated, wealthy, childless and urban individuals. First findings nevertheless seem to fit the stereotypes. We discuss the extent to which gay and lesbian couples may be underreported and whether selection into union formation and into self-reporting accounts for most of the observed socioeconomic profile.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 1