Levels and Predictors of Condom Use in Extramarital Sex among Women in Four Sub-Saharan African Countries

Onipede Wusu, Lagos State University

The study examines the levels and predictors of condom use among sexually active married women in their last extramarital sex. The most recent standard DHS data for Congo Brazzaville, Ghana, Malawi and Namibia are analysed. Results indicate that condom use in extramarital sex ranges between 6.4% (Ghana) and 26.6% (Namibia). Women of higher wealth quintile, higher years of schooling and age at first marriage, employed, tested for HIV, husband living in household and knowing condom use can reduce HIV risk are more likely to report condom use during extramarital sex (odds ratios: between 1.04 and 6.57, P<0.05). However, older women and those in female-headed households are less likely to report condom use during extramarital sex. Elevating socioeconomic status of women is imperative in promoting condom use and sexual health educators should focus on older women and female-headed households in their campaigns on the advantages of condom use during extramarital sex.

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Presented in Poster Session 1