The Theory of Planned Behavior and the Realization of Fertility Intentions
Lars Dommermuth, Statistics Norway
Jane E. Klobas, Università Bocconi and University of Western Australia
The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the determinant elements of the Theory of Planned Behavior and realization of fertility intentions. We focus on the time-frame of people’s fertility intentions and ask whether a different time-frame of the intention leads to different outcomes. We combine data from the Norwegian Generations and Gender Survey (2007) with information from administrative registers, meaning that we have longitudinal birth histories after the survey for the entire original sample. Preliminary results suggest that parents realize their fertility intentions more often then childless, regardless of the time-frame of their intention. Childless with a short-term fertility intention have a higher hazard ratio for becoming a parent compared to those with a long-term intention. In line with the Theory of Planned Behavior, attitudes, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms affect on the time-frame of fertility intentions, but not the realization of the fertility intentions.
Presented in Poster Session 1