Global Patterns of Sex Differentials in Child Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Multivariable Analysis of 30 National Datasets

Adebiyi Germain Boco, University of Lethbridge

In this paper the main purpose is to estimate and interpret adjusted effects on under-five mortality of children by sex, adjusting for the matrices of social, economic, demographic, and biological factors. Data come from the most recent Demographic and Health Surveys in 30 sub-Saharan African nations. I conducted a country-by-country multivariable analysis to assess sex differentials in under-five mortality using a multivariate multilevel discrete-time hazard model. I used meta-analysis techniques to combine and summarize results from multiple countries. The results show a systematically higher mortality for male children compared to females in all countries except Sierra Leone and the relationship is significant in 18 of 30 countries. Globally, males are about 22% more likely to die before their fifth birthday than girls. These patterns withstood controls for the individual-and community level factors as well as unobserved heterogeneity.

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Presented in Poster Session 2