Education and Labour Market Participation: Who Are Sent to School in Afghanistan and Why and Its Outcome?

Chona Echavez, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU)

This Rapid Qualitative Assessment (RQA) explores evidence of shifting gender norms, and how such shifts may be affecting the options and decisions of women and men in their different roles. The study employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Sex selection is very much evident as to who are sent to school or not. The data show that more boys than girls are sent to school. More males than females, whether youth or adult, have attained at least a certain level of education. Adherence, to traditional gender stereotypes that regard men as income earners and women as dependents still prevails. This affects men’s and women’s mobility as well as the decision of who joins the work force. This also affects the decision as to who will be sent to school.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 3