Commercial Sex among Involuntary Male Bachelors: Some Evidence from an Exploratory Survey in Rural China

Yang Xueyan, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Isabelle Attané, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Shuzhuo Li, Xi'an Jiaotong University

Using data from a survey in a rural district in Anhui, China, this study analyzes commercial sex experiences and condom use among male bachelors in a context of male marriage squeeze (i.e. of reduced availability of female sexual partners within marriage). Our findings indicate that the prevalence of commercial sex is significantly higher among them than among the married, with marital status being almost the only significant predicting variable. Also, while the vast majority of sexual intercourses are still unprotected, condom use is even lower among unmarried men, and condom use is strongly associated with the knowledge of STDs, age, education and income. In a context of reduced availability of female partners, commercial sex appears to be an important way for the male bachelors to meet their sexual needs. But as they are facing high risks of STDs transmission, this poses a severe challenge to public health.

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Presented in Session 31: Sexual Behavior and HIV Risk in Context