Demographic and Reproductive Health Dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa and Beyond - Causes and Consequences
Marlene A. Lee, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
Kate Belohlav, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
Jay Gribble, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
The empirical relationship between reproductive health and economic development outcomes has been difficult to establish at both the macro- and micro-levels, primarily because health and population dynamics affect economic growth through a number of pathways. Empirically establishing these causal relationships poses many methodological challenges. Since 2005, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and European funding partners have sought to address this challenge by supporting policy-relevant research to identify the effect of demographic changes and reproductive behaviors on the health and well-being of women, children, and households. This poster highlights some of the most compelling evidence emerging from the studies sponsored.The emerging evidence contributed by these studies provides insight into the pathways between reproductive health and economic development and has implications for program design and policy formulation.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 9