The Impact of Ghana’s R3M Program on the Provision of Comprehensive Abortion Care Services

Fatima Juarez, El Colegio de México
Aparna Sundaram, Guttmacher Institute
Clement Ahiadeke, University of Ghana
Nakeisha Blades, Guttmacher Institute

In an effort to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with unsafe abortion in Ghana, in 2006 the government of Ghana, in association with 5 other organizations, implemented a program for improving comprehensive abortion care in the country. This program was piloted in seven districts across three regions in the country. In this paper, we use data from a primary survey to assess if the interventions from this program have helped improve the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of health care providers towards comprehensive abortion care services. Since the program had not been implemented across the country, the study was set up as an experiment to enable the comparison of the providers in the districts where the program was implemented, with those where it wasn’t. We expect to find that districts where the saturation of interventions was the highest will show the maximum change in the KAP of abortion providers.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 69: Intervention Approaches to Maternal and Reproductive Health