The Implications of the Recent Economic Crisis on Fertility in South European Countries: Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy

Anastasia Kostaki, Athens University of Economics and Business
Byron Kotzamanis, University of Thessaly
Pavlos Baltas, Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV

A systematic review of past economic recessions occurred in developed countries confirms that economic crises often have serious effects on fertility. The recent recession took place under different social conditions than past recessions. Much more women are now participating in the labour market, while contraception is much more widely used than before, enabling couples to postpone childbearing. In addition social security systems and health costs are burdened from the increase of the elderly populations related to the increase of life expectancy in these countries. All these factors potentially aggravate the negative effects of the recession on fertility. This work, using the latest available official data of Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, provides an investigation of the impact of the current economic crisis on fertility and nuptiality levels, age- and time- patterns of these countries.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 3