Gender Differences in Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors among Young Adults in Cebu, Philippines
Jessica D. Gipson, University of California, Los Angeles
Andrew Hicks, University of California, Los Angeles
Socorro A. Gultiano, University of San Carlos
Social environment and family context exert important influences on adolescent sexual behaviors and subsequent adult behaviors. Examination of contextual influences is especially important in countries undergoing rapid demographic and social change, to examine the persistence or flux in sexual attitudes and behaviors across generations. We use longitudinal and intergenerational data from adolescents and their mothers (1998-2009) to examine the effects of household, peer, family, and young adults’ sexual attitudes on age at first sex and contraceptive use among young men and women participating in the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey in Cebu, Philippines. Preliminary analyses indicate the importance of gender-disaggregated models in identifying disparate influences on young men’s and women’s behaviors. Findings indicate important influences of mother-child and peer relationships, as well as early adolescent sexual attitudes and precoital behaviors on sexual initiation and contraceptive use. Subsequent analyses will test interactions and the effects of intervening circumstances on outcomes.
See paper
Presented in Session 47: Gender, Relationships and Sexual Behavior