Demographic Consequences of Terrorism: The Case of Boko Haram in Nigeria

Nathaniel Umukoro, Delta State University

Nigeria is one of the countries in the world affected by terrorist activities. Like other destructive activities, terrorism has demographic consequences. This paper examines the demographic consequences of terrorist activities using the case of Boko Haram in Nigeria. Boko Haram in Hausa (a Nigerian language)means "Western education is forbidden". This Islamic fundamentalist group has been responsible for series of attacks in the Northern part of Nigeria resulting in loss of lives and properties. This study is very important because much attention has not been given to research on the demographic consequences of terrorism. With the aid of the multi-method research approach the study shows that terrorism contributes to increase in deaths, forced migration and reduction of the labour force. The paper argues that if careful and decisive efforts are not directed towards curbing the terrorist activities of this group, the demographic consequences will continue to increase.

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Presented in Poster Session 3