Does Janani Surasha Yojona Show the Way to save Lives of Mother and New Born in India?
Ramesh Chellan, Government of Odisha
Lopamudra Paul, IHBP, FHI360
The National Population Policy (NPP) in India defined goal to increased institutional delivery and reducing MMR. Therefore, National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) aimed to increased expenditure to provide primary health care services to poor households in rural India through Janani Surakshya Yojana (JSY), which provide referral transport, escort and improved hospital care for institutional deliveries. The study concludes from DLHS-2 & 3 data that JSY undoubtedly contributed to a tremendous improvement in institutional delivery. Accredited Social Health Activist, found as an effective link between the Government and the poor pregnant women to provide information on JSY. States like Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, and Rajasthan have an impressive rise in institutional delivery and also high percentage of women received financial benefits through the JSY. Planned implementation of programme through NRHM may help achieve the goals of NPP 2000 and hence MDG-5 to save life of millions mothers and newborn in India.
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Presented in Session 108: Does Information Change Health Behavior?