"Other" Vacant Housing Units: An Analysis from the Current Population Survey/Housing Vacancy Survey

Melissa Kresin, U.S. Census Bureau

Using data from the Current Population Survey/Housing Vacancy Survey, this poster will examine “other” vacant housing units. A housing unit is classified as other vacant when it does not fit into any other year-round vacant category. Prior to 2012, field representatives had the option to provide a write-in explanation as to why the unit was an other vacant. Starting in January 2012, the field representatives were instructed to choose between 10 pre-defined explanatory other vacant categories. The purpose of the categories is to provide data users with more detailed information about the nearly four million housing units that are classified as other vacant. This poster will present the quarterly frequencies of each other vacant category from first quarter 2012 through fourth quarter 2012. To highlight the differences of vacant housing units, this poster will compare the characteristics of other vacant housing units to those of year-round vacant housing units.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 9