Parental Coresidence among Young Adult Women: A Comparison across Races and Generations
Melanie A. Zilora, Carnegie Mellon University
This paper presents a series of empirical results identifying the factors influencing parental coresidence and financial transfers among young adult females, using data on the “baby boomer” generation and Generation Y to compare effects among races and over generations. I find significant differences between black and white females in the effect of marriage on coresidence. Generation Y females who have spent more time living away from home are more likely to receive financial assistance from their parents, as are those with wealthier parents. I also find a strong relationship between marriage disruption (separation or divorce) and moving back home after age thirty. Work yet to be completed will incorporate intergenerational effects, using matched mother-child data on baby boomers and their offspring.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 4