Gender, Tutoring and Track in Egyptian Education
Eman Shady, American University in Cairo
In Egypt, girls are educationally disadvantaged. This disadvantage, however, is focused on the failure to enter school. Increasingly it is recognized that girls who ever-enroll are as likely to complete primary and secondary education as boys. Still the belief persists that girls, especially those from poor families, will be disadvantaged in terms of school expenditures and the transitions to secondary and higher education. We use data from the 2005-06 Egypt Household Education Survey to examine expenditures on tutoring during the final year of preparatory school, and the transition to specific tracks of secondary education. Tests during the last year of preparatory largely determine a student’s educational future. Results show that girls, even girls from poor families, are not disadvantaged in terms of expenditures, whether for tutoring, fees or general expenses. Moreover, girls are more likely than boys to advance to general secondary education, the track that leads to higher education.
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Presented in Poster Session 4