Programs to Support Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Uganda
Souleymane Barry, Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
Bryan Sayer, Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
Barbara Amuron, Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
Vincent Owaro, Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
Sarah Kyokusingura, Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
M. J. Mugerwa, Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
Objectives. We examined how the phase-out of programs funded by the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to support 147,500 orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) impacted their ability to receive services and the measures that were implemented to facilitate continued assistance to OVCs. Methods. A sample of 900 OVC study participants was selected from lists provided by the support organizations. Questionnaires were fielded and key project managers were interviewed. Results. While one of the 6 service provider organizations had extremely low continuing enrollment, the enrollment rate for 5 providers was about 80%. Nearly all HIV-positive OVCs were enrolled in a support project, which was not true of those living in child-headed households. Psychosocial support and education were the main services provided. Conclusions. Relatively low levels of support were provided to OVCs living in child-headed households.
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Presented in Poster Session 4