Côte d’Ivoire: Towards Education for All in 2015? Analysis of Indicators for the Monitoring of Ivorian Education System Progress

Kouassi De Syg Seke, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD)

This study aims, by 2015, at analysing the access and maintenance indicators in Côte d’Ivoire education system from three data sources: the second Demographic and Health Survey (DHS-II) conducted in 1998-1999, the AIDS Indicators Survey (AIDSIS) conducted in 2005 and the Multiple Indicators National Survey (MINS) conducted in 2006. The results of this analysis should enable stakeholders, decision makers and other development partners of the country to strengthen, orientate or re-orientate their policies in the educational milieu. More specifically, they should: • make a situational analysis in view of attaining education for all by 2015; • iidentify major challenges for the Ivorian education system focusing on progress made and environmental evaluation; • propose development assistance priority axes in view of achieving education for all in Côte d’Ivoire.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 4