A Comparative Analysis of Time Transfers between Generations and Genders
Emilio Zagheni, Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY)
Marina Zannella, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Reallocation of economic resources between generations has important consequences for economic growth and inequality. This study provides estimates of time transfers between generations and genders, and complements existing literature on monetary transfers. We use data from the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) to estimate age- and sex-specific profiles of time allocated to unpaid productive activities for a number of countries. The unpaid working time is then distributed, with a statistical model, to those age groups that benefit from it, in order to estimate age-specific consumption profiles of time. We observe large transfers of time from females to males, and from adults to children and the elderly. Life course trajectories are qualitatively similar across countries, but with significant variations in levels. Variations in profiles by household structure allow us to evaluate the the extent of incentives and disincentives for particular fertility choices in different social and institutional settings.
See paper
Presented in Session 48: Family Ties, Intergenerational Relationships and Caregiving