Consanguinity and Intimate Partner Violence in Egypt and Jordan
Jinan A. R. Usta, American University of Beirut
Marwan Khawaja, UN-ESCWA
Dima Dansdashi, American University of Beirut
Consanguinity is still common in the Middle East. This paper examines the relation between consanguinity and intimate partner violence (IPV). The Demographic and Health Surveys in Egypt (2005; n=5,240) and Jordan (2007; n=3,444) and binary logistic regression models were used to assess this association. IPV, namely physical, emotional and sexual violence, during the past year was fairly similar in both countries. Physical violence was 18% in Egypt and 12% in Jordan; emotional violence was 10% in both countries; while sexual violence was lower at 6% in Jordan and 4% in Egypt. Jordan was having a higher rate of consanguinity (39%) as compared to Egypt (33%). Findings show significant association between consanguinity and experience of emotional , but not physical or sexual, IPV during past year in both countries. Duration of marriage, education, and wealth were also found to be important determinants. Policy implications of the findings will be discussed.
Presented in Poster Session 9