Comparison of 2010 Census Counts and Population Estimates for Young Children at the State and County Level
William O'Hare, Independent Consultant
Data from the Census Bureau’s Demographic Analysis show the net undercount rate for young children ( age 0-4) in the 2010 Census was 4.6% while adults had a net overcount rate o 0.7%. However, DA does not provide data below the national level. In this study, the decennial census counts of young children in states and countiesare compared to corresponding figures from the Census Bureau’s Population estimates program. The population estimates for young children are based largely on number of births, with minor adjustments for deaths and migration. This analysis provides information on which states and counties experienced the largest discrepancies related to the 2010 Decennial Census of young children and recent birth figures. It is hoped that this geographic examination of differences between population estimates and census counts for young children will help shed light on why young children have such high net undercount rates.
Presented in Poster Session 9