The Effect of Teacher Qualifications on Student Achievement Gains: Evidence from the FUNDESCOLA Schools in Brazil, 1999-2003

Raquel Guimaraes, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

It is recognized that teachers have a crucial role in improving learning outcomes. Because quality differs by teacher, their potential impact on student outcomes may also differ. However, measuring teacher quality and its influence on learning has been challenging in educational research. In this paper I explore the effect of teacher qualifications on the rate of learning in Mathematics and Portuguese in Brazil. Drawing on longitudinal data from the Fundo de Fortalecimento da Escola (FUNDESCOLA) program from 1999 to 2003 and using a dose-response analysis and a latent trait model, I conclude that teacher qualifications positively influence the pace of learning in Mathematics. However, results for Portuguese were not significant, which may indicate that subjects require different models of teacher effectiveness. Also, I find that students’ socioeconomic status does not enhance the effect of teacher qualifications on the pace of learning in Mathematics and Portuguese.

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Presented in Poster Session 4