Session 36:
New Perspectives on Suicide
Chair: Patricia A. Thomas, University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Richard G. Rogers, University of Colorado at Boulder
A Changing Epidemiology of Suicide? The Influence of Baby Boomers on Suicide Rates in the United States Julie A. Phillips, Rutgers University
Comparative APC Models of Middle-Aged Suicide Rates: Testing Cohort Effect Hysteresis Louis Chauvel, Université de Luxembourg
Suicide Mortality Risk in the United States by Sex and Age Groups Hyeyoung Woo, Portland State University ; Jarron M. Saint Onge, University of Kansas ; Daniel Standridge, Portland State University
On Suicide and Social Inequality: Using FCT to Present a Time-Oriented Examination of Suicide Mortality Sean Clouston, University of Victoria ; Marcie Rubin, Columbia University ; Cynthia G. Colen, Ohio State University ; Bruce Link, Columbia University
Other sessions on Health and Mortality