Session 170:
Effects of Education Investments: Randomized Evaluations
Chair: Emily Beam, University of Michigan
Discussant: Subha Mani, Fordham University
Medium-Term Effects of the Nicaraguan CCT on Cognitive Functioning and Educational Attainment Tania Barham, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Karen Macours, Johns Hopkins University ; John A. Maluccio, Middlebury College
The Support to Rural India’s Public Education System (STRIPES) Trial: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of Supplementary Teaching, Learning Material and Material Support Rashmi Lakshminarayana, Effective Intervention ; Alex Eble, Brown University ; Preetha Bhakta, Naandi Foundation ; Chris Frost, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) ; Peter Boone, Effective Intervention ; Diana Elbourne, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) ; Vera Mann, Independent Consultant
A Random Evaluation of a Civic Participation Strengthening Program in Rwanda Ali E. Protik, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. ; Ira Nichols-Barrer, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. ; Matt Sloan, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. ; Lindsay Wood, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Doing the Math: The Effects of Tutorial Sessions over Learning in Brazilian Schools Marcos A. Rangel, Princeton University and NORC at the University of Chicago ; Fernando B. Botelho, Princeton University ; Ricardo Madeira, Universidade de São Paulo
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