Session 110:
Race, Ethnic and Gender Disparities in Health and Mortality
Chair: Hedwig Lee, University of Washington
Discussant: Jason Schnittker, University of Pennsylvania
Understanding the Declining Female Mortality Advantage in the United States: An Assessment Using Prospective Data Sarah A. Burgard, University of Michigan ; Michael Elliott, University of Michigan ; James S. House, University of Michigan ; Neil Mehta, Emory University ; Katherine Y. Lin, University of Michigan ; Elizabeth Ela, University of Michigan
New Health Events and the Origin of Educational and Racial Inequalities in Health Behaviors Elaine Hernandez, University of Texas at Austin
Duty, Honor, Country, Disparity: Race/Ethnic Differences in Self-Reported Health and Disability among Veterans Connor Sheehan, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Brenda Moore, University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY) ; John Butler, University of Texas at Austin
Predictive Strength of Self-Rated Health on Mortality Risk: Does It Differ by Race and Ethnicity? Hyeyoung Woo, Portland State University
Other sessions on Health and Mortality